12. April 2016

1Ralph SantollaStarlightShaolin Monks In the Temple of Metal200200:03:50
2Richard CheeseHotel CaliforniaSupermassive Black Tux201500:03:04
3Music Nuda (Petra Magoni & Ferruccio Spinetti)Like a Virgin20070:02:49
4The Mahavishnu OrchestraMeeting of the SpiritsInner Mounting Flame19700:06:53
5Melody GardotWho Will Comfort MeMy One and Only Thrill201000:04:57
6Stefan DettlSoultrainSoultrain201600:03:48
7Gentle GiantThe Advent of PanurgeEdge of Twilight19960:04:43
8Burkhard MahlerThis TimeRocks On the Road20150:05:02
9Susan WeinertHombreAdventures In Guitarland199800:06:29
10Roger CiceroFrauen regier'n die WeltMännersachen200700:02:58
11Allan HoldsworthGattoxVelvet Darkness19760:04:51
12The Underground RailroadThe DoormanThrough And Through20000:10:06

Moderation: Jana Schmidt und Andreas A. Köhler
Sendetechnik: Andreas A. Köhler

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