9. August 2022
Interpret | Titel | Album | Jahr | Zeit | |
1 | Avishai Cohen Trio | The Window | Shifting Sands | 2022 | 00:04:37 |
2 | Richard Cheese | Rehab (Amy Winehouse) | The Royal Baby Album | 2013 | 00:02:11 |
3 | Toubabou | Doudou à la Toubabou | Attente | 1975 | 00:08:54 |
4 | Pajaro | El Manifiesto | El Manifiesto | 2022 | 00:11:40 |
5 | Hoelderlin | Deathwatchbeetle | Hoelderlin | 1975 | 00:17:35 |
6 | The Third Eye | Awakening | Searching | 1969 | 00:13:27 |
Moderation: Jana Schmidt und Andreas A. Köhler
Sendetechnik: Andreas A. Köhler