09. Mai 2023
Interpret | Titel | Album | Jahr | Zeit | |
1 | Adrian Belew | Adidas In Heat | Lone Rhino | 1982 | 00:02:52 |
2 | Richard Cheese | Stairway to Heaven | Back in Black Tie | 2012 | 00:03:31 |
3 | Chick Corea Quartet | New Waltz | The Montreux Years | 2022 | 00:14:11 |
4 | Masabumi Kikuchi | Dancing Mist | Poo-Sun | 1978 | 00:20:27 |
5 | The Fred Wesley Quartet | Minor Coated | To Someone | 1994 | 00:08:33 |
6 | White Willow | Cryptomenysis | Ignis Fatuus | 1995 | 00:11:40 |
Moderation: Jana Schmidt und Andreas A. Köhler
Sendetechnik: Andreas A. Köhler